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Active Senior Man


   Whether you're looking for physical rehabilitation, weight loss, nutrition, digestive care, hormone balance, muscle building, boxing instruction, fascial stretch therapy, (FST) sports specific training, TRX, and kettle bell, I have a wide variety of skills to help you reach your health and fitness goals! Valerie. 


APPROACH: The human body is a integrated system that needs more than just fitness to obtain or sustain optimal health. I look at factors such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress, hormones; how hormones are affected by all previously mentioned and how to correct them. You will learn how your body works and what fitness and health modalities work specifically for you. Are you looking to lose weight, or gain muscle? Learn how to do it right and make your health and fitness goals  reachable sustaining goals! I believe we can correct nutritional deficiencies through proper diet etc. rather than rely on supplements. (Note: supplements can be useful in special situations and should be monitored by your doctor.)

CONSULTATION: I provide a FREE 45 min one on one consultation. We talk about goal setting, injury history, previous training history, sleep function, stress, digestive health, hormone imbalance issues, and nutrition. All items listed are based on client needs. (Ex.You may not have digestive health issues and may not want to work on nutrition.) My goals are your goals so what are we waiting for? Let's get started!

FITNESS ASSESSMENT: I offer a full one hour fitness assessment which includes: (depending on your goals) flexibility assessment, muscle imbalance and injury, postural imbalance assessment, strength testing, (max strength & muscle fiber type) endurance testing, (VO1 - VO2 max) sleep function, stress, digestive and a nutrition review. This service is already included in your purchased training package as session number one, or can be purchased as a single session. 

MOTIVATION: I will help you stay motivated, encourage you to push to your potential, and help you achieve results faster than ever before. No matter what your fitness goals are, I will create a goal-focused training plan for you that will help you achieve and exceed those goals through diverse routines designed to continuously challenge you.

FASCIAL STRETCH THERAPY (FST) :  FST is an advanced (table based) stretching system which involves muscle, and connective tissue. Each stretch session is soothing and relaxing; which helps to de-stress the nervous system, create joint space and greatly enhance movement patterns . Other benefits include: improved mobility and flexibility, reduced risk of injury, faster recovery times, (immune system included) posture correction, sleep and assists with hormone balance. 

For more information on services and pricing please visit the                                                Thank-you!

Personal Training


Valerie is a incredible personal trainer and much more. She helped me lose 10lbs, eliminate candida, improve my diet and correct my posture. With her guidance, I became slim, straight and strong. Throughout my journey to optimal health, I've worked with nutritionists, physiotherapists, naturopaths, etc. Valerie's breadth of knowledge makes her a blend of all these experts; she brought all their advice together and become my go to person, answering questions ranging from supplementation to exercise regiments. Valerie adapts workouts to my needs and lifestyle. She is flexible, accommodating and encouraging and yet firm and steadily pushes me towards my goals. 


Sandra - Teacher - Toronto Canada

Working with Valerie has been so incredibly important for my health and wellness. As an artist with chronic pain, anxiety, and gender transition goals, Valerie has been able to accommodate and guide me with empathy and

expertise. Before coming to work with Valerie I'd exhausted a lot of options: I'd seen doctors who referred me to

physiotherapists, none of which could agree on my diagnosis (Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome) - I'd tried chiropractors, acupuncture, ultrasound, and massage to alleviate crippling discomfort, but it was always a temporary band-aid for my chronic issues. Since starting with Valerie I've had marked, sustainable improvement that lasts longer than another approach. She's able to adapt in the moment to how my body responds to the exercises, and always does so with encouragement and a positive attitude. In the time I've worked with her, I've been able to get my repetitive strain injury under control, we've eliminated my knee planiform an old meniscus tear, my back has stopped aching, I've gained a lot of muscle, and I'm losing inches off of places I'm sensitive about. Valerie has always been kind, respectful, honest, and mindful about my unique needs as a client. I recommend her to all of my friends. (I currently train with Valerie 2 x a week on video conference app - Zoom.)


Ethan - Illustrator and Artist, Oakville Ontario. 

As a medical doctor I am hard to impress and have had a series of trainers in the past. Valerie had an advanced knowledge of anatomy and physiology and is used to working with professionals and the types of challenges we face with our careers. Valerie is an expert in fascial stretch therapy and her specialty is complex training with clients with injuries. I personally had a serious injury last year and she rehabilitated my arm where I no longer have pain and finally have strength in my arm again. Her strength is nutrition and I feel she has personally been able to heal some of my own stress and gut issues. Valerie truly gets results and in a way that is sustainable and manageable for my life!


Karen - Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon, Toronto Canada 


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